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International Congress in Sechenov

On October 12th international congress “Digital medicine and information technologies in health care. Sechenov Digital Health Summit " will be held at the platform of I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. Registration for the event and more information can be found at congress` page.

Leading doctors, heads of medical institutions, lawyers, IT product developers, information security specialists, innovative companies and startups in the field of telemedicine, government representatives, investors, medical marketing and advertising specialists will participate in the event.

Current issues of digital technologies use in healthcare will be discussed. The participants will also take stock of innovations use in practice, arrive at proposals for the development of the Russian legal framework and determine the growth points of digital medicine.

This event will take place within the world-class scientific center "Digital Biodesign and Personalized Healthcare" and will be timed to the Year of Science and Technology.
2021-10-04 19:58