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Tips for students of the first academic year. How to fall in with studying at the university?

It goes without saying that study at university is a nice and important event. At the same time, students of the first academic year will have to leave comfort zone and experience a new student life. How to adapt for these changes in life smoothly and effectively?

Tip 1.
One of the most important aspects of successful adaptation is a clear and understandable timetable.  It should include not only classes at the university, but also time for independent work, leisure, collective events and intra-university entertainment. It is of importance to have a rest and to strike the happy medium. The study without a break will lead to burnout very quickly.
State for each day in detail how much time you spend at the university, how many hours you need to make home assignments, where you need to go.
Now you may enjoy a variety of apps helping you to plan your time properly: LifeViewer, Brite, Any.do , TickTick, Google Tasks, Trello and others.

Tip 2. 
Sum-up the results and analyze your day in detail at the end of the day. State what you managed to do, and what you did not managed to do or for what you did not have time, what key events occurred during the day, what difficulties you faced. Identify the reasons for your difficulties and work on mistakes, and implement good practices in your daily life. 
Think over after what action it is convenient for you to analyze the day. It is important that you carry out this action permanent every evening without breaking. For example, you can sum up immediately after dinner, or after cleaning your work table, or after walking your dog, or when you get into bed.

Tip 3. 
Take part in the social life of the university. Each university offers clubs, leisure groups and volunteer organizations. This is a great opportunity not only to prove yourself in a new role, but also to make friends. Club of the Funny and Inventive, a student newspaper, theater, literary meetings or a scientific group... They are only a small part of the activities you can join.

We wish you success in the new academic year.

2022-09-12 13:50