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Famous foreigners who studied in Russia

Russia has always been a magnet for international students who are seeking to pursue their higher education. Russian universities provide excellent academic standards, diverse student communities, and a culturally rich and vibrant experience. In this article, we will delve into the lives of five famous foreign graduates of Russian universities and discover the incredible academic experiences that they had.

Gamal Abdel Nasser - Egypt

Gamal Abdel Nasser, the second President of Egypt (1958-1970), obtained his military education at the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow. He later became a prominent political figure in Egypt and played a leading role in the Arab world's struggle against imperialism and colonialism. Nasser was known for his advocacy of Arab nationalism and his leadership in the 1952 revolution that overthrew the Egyptian monarchy. He implemented a series of land reforms and nationalized industries, which had a significant impact on the Egyptian economy.

Ilham Aliyev - Azerbaijan

Ilham Aliyev, the current President of Azerbaijan, received his higher education from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). He graduated with a degree in international relations in 1982, and later earned a Ph.D. in history from the same university in 1985. Aliyev went on to serve in various high-level government positions in Azerbaijan before becoming President in 2003. As President, he has focused on developing Azerbaijan's energy sector and promoting regional stability. T

Maros Sefcovic - Slovakia

Maros Sefcovic is a Slovak diplomat and politician who currently holds the position of Vice President of the European Commission. He completed his higher education at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) in Russia, where he obtained a degree in international relations in 1988. Later, he received a Ph.D. in international law from the same university.

His education and background in international relations and law from MGIMO have undoubtedly contributed to his success in international diplomacy and politics.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev - Kazahstan

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev is a President of Kazakhstan. Tokayev graduated from MGIMO in 1975 with a degree in International Relations. He later earned a Ph.D. in Political Science from MGIMO in 1985.

After completing his education at MGIMO, Tokayev served in various high-level government positions in Kazakhstan and with the United Nations. He was appointed as the Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2011, where he played a critical role in promoting regional security and cooperation among member states.

In 2019, Tokayev was elected as the President of Kazakhstan. As President, he has focused on developing Kazakhstan's economy, promoting regional stability, and expanding Kazakhstan's role in international diplomacy.

Maithripala Sirisena - Sri Lanka

Maithripala Sirisena is a Sri Lankan politician who served as the President of Sri Lanka from 2015 to 2019. In 1980 he earned a Diploma in political science at the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute in Russia.

His education in the Soviet Union undoubtedly influenced his political views and policies, particularly in regards to agriculture and rural development.

The examples of famous foreigners who received their higher education in Russia are a testament to the quality of education offered by Russian universities to international students. Graduates of Russian universities have gone on to hold high-level positions in politics, diplomacy, and other fields, making significant contributions to their respective countries and the world. These individuals' experiences also demonstrate the value of international education and cross-cultural exchange, as studying in a foreign country can broaden one's perspective, build cultural understanding, and provide a unique set of skills and experiences that can be valuable in the global job market.
2023-02-16 12:00