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Academic mobility in Russia

Students from five leading Russian universities can join the DVIZH Russian academic mobility project until August 15, 2022 and study a semester at one of the partner universities based on an individual curriculum.
The program is developed for students of the 2nd — 4th year of bachelor's degree programs wishing to spend one semester in one of the 4 universities by choosing disciplines from the list provided by the university. At that, they have also to agree on an individual curriculum.
The student participating in the exchange program can study at the host university free of charge.
Dormitory and tickets are paid by the student or the home university depending on the regulations of the home university.

The organizers of the DVIZH academic mobility program are as follows:
-        Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN),
-        The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA),
-        Russian Foreign Trade Academy (VAVT) of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation,
-        ITMO National Research University,
-        National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".

Each of the universities has determined a quota for students of partner universities (from 10 to 50 people), and has also prepared lists of disciplines that project participants can master based on the individual curricula.
Each university-participant specifies its own rules for the selection of students considering the academic performance, achievements, the need to coordinate participation with the management of educational programs, etc.
You can apply for participation on the official website of the project.

2022-08-08 13:41