Kemerovo State
Medical University
In 2009 university received a certificate of national accreditation and a license to conduct educational activities in programs of higher education: general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing.
General information




Educational laboratory
43 \1

Bachelor and Specialist degree programmes \international
36 \0


Teaching staff
6400+ \400+

Foreign students from 55 countries study in MSMU
Programs & Prices
Entrance tests & Deadlines
Admission rules
  • 1
    To collect a folder of required documents for admission: a copy of valid international passport, a copy of the document on graduation with transcript, a certificate of recognition, photograph (3 x 4 cm). All documents must be translated into Russian and notarized or consul-certified.
  • 2
    Entrance exams. The exams can be passed remotely (online) or in the candidate's personal presence (offline).
  • 3
    To pay tuition fees
  • 4
    Medical Certificate indicating the absence of HIV infection and contraindications to studying in the country
Russian student visa
Student visas in Russia are required for students from most foreign countries. Russia is not a member state of the EU/EFTA, so the EU visa-free entry privilege does not apply for European students. Required Documents for Study Visas in Russia:
  • 1
    A valid passport which will be valid for at least 18 months from the issue date of the visa and with at least two unmarked pages
  • 2
    An official invitation letter from your chosen university
  • 3
    Application form
  • 4
    A certificate showing your HIV-negative status no older than 90 days
  • 5
    A letter of consent from your parents and certified by a notary (if you're under 18)
  • 6
    Photograph 3.5x4.5 cm
This is the general list. Consult the Russian Embassy or Consulate in your country.
Living costs (prices for Kemerovo)
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Kemerovo is an industrial city
Kemerovo - feel the friendship
Co-curricular/sport activities
  • 1956 – The first faculty of General Medicine was established
  • The Faculty of Sanitation and Hygiene was reorganized into Medical Preventive Faculty
  • 2016 – The official date of getting the University status.
  • Among medics of all specialties working in the Kuzbass region, over 90% are graduates of the University
  • Country rank 332
  • World rank 8848
  • Since the establishment of both rankings MAI has been included in QS BRICS University Rankings and QS EECA University Rankings, now being listed among top-40 Russian Universities.
  • For more than 63 years of development it has become one of the prestigious educational, scientific and medical centres of Siberia and Russia.
About university & International cooperation & Educational process
KemSMU is rightly included to the cohort of the best medical institutions of Higher Education in Russia. Its history started in 1955, when the country needed a lot of medical professionals after the Great patriotic War. Only one faculty the first faculty of General Medicine was organized.

Today there are 7 faculties and more than 3.500 students studying at the University. They come from all the Siberian regions, CIS and India. For more than 63 years of development it has become one of the prestigious educational, scientific and medical centres of Siberia and Russia. It trains highly qualified specialists in all the areas of Medicine. There are all the necessary opportunities for students' educational and scientific work.

More than 33 thousand of physicians, pharmacist, medical nurses, have been taught by the tutors of the University since 1955. Nowadays 95% of Kuzbass doctors are the graduates of the University. They head large clinics, Science Research Centres. They work in the countries of CIS and Europe.

The Sports Club together with the Chair of physical culture holds competitions in various sports within the University (the best team of course, faculty, Academy) and organizes teams to participate in district, municipal and regional competitions.

Students, who need housing, are accommodated in the hostels of a hotel type. It costs 60$ per month
Medical service is provided by a staff of the Interuniversity polyclinic.

For sports improvement there are gyms, work sections in athletics, volleyball, basketball, football, skiing, table tennis, kettle bell lifting, and chess in the University.
The students of the University take an active part in volunteer movement; take care of the children's homes, boarding schools. They work among schoolchildren and students of vocational schools to combat drug addiction and AIDS prevention. Participate in the yearly festivals "Freshman", "Student spring" and others.
The Honorary Doctor of the RSFSR, Assistant professor Stepan Vasilievich Belyaev was appointed as the Head of the Institute. Among the outstanding graduates of the University there are: academician of RAS, famous cardiologist L.S. Barbarash, academician of RANS A. A. Lutsik (Novokuzneysk State Institute for Advanced Medical Education), academician of RANS, Director of the Center for Health Protection of Miners V.V. Agajanyan, Professor V.M. Ivoilov, Professor V.N. Olesova, President of the Russian Association of Implantology and many others.

Among medics of all specialties working in the Kuzbass region, over 90% are graduates of the University. They form the basis of research contingent, professors and doctors of institutions of the Kemerovo region, head medical institutions, held chairs, universities, research institutes of the Russian Federation, working successfully in the CIS and far abroad.

The University prepares physicians for Kemerovo, Tomsk, Novosibirsk regions, Krasnoyarsk and Altai Territories, republics of Altai and Tuva, other regions of the country. Students from Mongolia, Sudan, India, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, India and other countries are studying there.

Today over 3000 students, more than 250 interns, more than 90 clinical residents and 100 graduate students are studying at seven faculties. 107 doctors of Sciences, professors and 261 candidates of Sciences and associate professors work at 69 departments.Over the years the University has trained more than 26 thousand doctors, 2 388 pharmacists, 154 nurses with higher medical education and 45 high economic degree specialists in the field of health. More than 100 graduates became Doctors of Sciences and over 600 - Candidates of Sciences.

Clinical departments of the University are located in 35 regional, municipal and departmental hospitals of Rospotrebnadzor in the city and region. The scientists at the University carry out major medical researches.
Annually more than 11000 patients are treated; about 6000 operations are performed, more, than 100 methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment are implemented in practical health care by the staff of the chairs.

The main areas of research are: cardiology and cardiac surgery; pathophysiology of terminal and extreme conditions; endocrine and endoscopic surgery; hygienic problems of chemical and coal industry; reproductive health; drug and substance abuse etc. All creatively-minded students can realize their potential through work in Students' Scientific Circles (SSC).
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