Ryazan State Medical University
RyazSMU is at 29 postions in Round University Rankings
General information


Research centers & labs



Bachelor and Specialist degree programmes \international

Residency\ PhD programmes \international

Teaching staff

Foreign students from 56 countries study in RyazSMU
Programs & Prices
Entrance tests & Deadlines
Admission rules
  • 1
    To collect a folder of required documents for admission: a copy of valid international passport, a copy of the document on graduation with transcript, a certificate of recognition, photograph (3 x 4 cm). All documents must be translated into Russian and notarized or consul-certified.
  • 2
    Entrance exams. The exams can be passed remotely (online) or in the candidate's personal presence (offline).
  • 3
    To pay tuition fees
  • 4
    Medical Certificate indicating the absence of HIV infection and contraindications to studying in the country
Russian student visa
Student visas in Russia are required for students from most foreign countries. Russia is not a member state of the EU/EFTA, so the EU visa-free entry privilege does not apply for European students. Required Documents for Study Visas in Russia:
  • 1
    A valid passport which will be valid for at least 18 months from the issue date of the visa and with at least two unmarked pages
  • 2
    An official invitation letter from your chosen university
  • 3
    Application form
  • 4
    A certificate showing your HIV-negative status no older than 90 days
  • 5
    A letter of consent from your parents and certified by a notary (if you're under 18)
  • 6
    Photograph 3.5x4.5 cm
This is the general list. Consult the Russian Embassy or Consulate in your country.
Living costs (prices for Ryazan)
Fill in application form and get a free consultation
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RyazSMU clinic
  • The university is recognized worldwide and ranks 29 out of 70 Russian universities in Round University Rankings.
  • According to the data of the national rating agencies «Expert RA» and «International Information Group «Interfax» the university is in the top 100 of the best universities of Russia.
  • The authority of the university scientists has received international recognition: they are members of the European General Society, international pulmonary organizations GOLD, GINA, ICC, and the European Respiratory Society.
  • According to the monitoring data of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, more than 90% of graduates go to work in their specialty, this is one of the highest rates. In total, university graduates work in medical and scientific institutions in 130 countries of the world.
About university & International cooperation & Educational process
Since the foundation of the University the idea to integrate theory and practice has been carried out. Traditional methods of learning by examining patients are combined with modern education technologies.

Innovative teaching methods and advanced technologies are widely used in the educational process. They are evidence-based approach, distance learning, interactive teaching, e-textbooks and multimedia sources and many more.

The University's library counts over 750 000 books in Russian, English and French. It's equipped with computer classes with e-books and Scientific Reference Databases.

The Center for Simulation Training and Specialist Accreditationfocuses on pre-clinical training for students, residents and doctors who improve their skills using modern mannequins, phantoms, simulators and training devices designed to master therapeutic and diagnostic activities.
The University creates equal opportunities for everyone who wants to become a medical specialist. Training and Development Resource Center is aimed at making medical education available for people with limited abilities.

Medical activity is one of the main focus areas of the University that contributes to the practical healthcare of Ryazan City and Ryazan Region.

Annually clinical department staff provides consultations to 40,000 patients, performs 30,000 operations and assists during 60,000 surgeries.

The University has contributed to the practical healthcare with over 100 new diagnosis and treatment methods, over 30 reference books and over 150 researches.

The University is accredited to do preclinical and clinical research of medical preparations and is included to the federal register of medical organizations able to test medical equipment.
Contact us
115419, Moscow, 2nd Roshinsky proezd, house 8, building 6, 1st floor, office 102
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